Kinneloa Irrigation District, Lincoln Avenue Water Company, Rubio Canon Land & Water Assoc. meet all potable water standards. Las Flores Water Company is affected by the recent fires and have unsafe water.

Please review their individual notices below.

Public Notices

Residents Returning Home in Fire-Affected Areas:


Residents returning to homes in fire-affected areas should continue to follow any water alerts issued by their local water agencies. Do not use or drink the water (according to any relevant notice) unless it has been deemed safe to do so and the alert has been removed.


Agencies with water notices in place:


If you are returning to your home after an evacuation, but are not subject to a water alert, precautions should still be taken to ensure the water in your home or business is safe to drink or use. Flush each of your faucets, one at a time, starting at the highest location in your home or business. If there was a water outage, air may enter your plumbing system and you may experience air bubbles, inconsistent flow or popping sounds – this should be eliminated through flushing. Do not use if the water is colored, contains particulate material, or has a septic odor.


Contact your local water agency for any specific guidance or concerns. 

Foothill Municipal Water District

Our Mission

“We will reliably deliver quality water to our member agencies in a cost-efficient manner to meet their projected demands.”


Water Runs California - Full Length from ACWA on Vimeo.

Foothill Municipal Water District (FMWD) was incorporated on January 7, 1952 to help meet the increased water needs of the rapidly growing foothill communities following the end of World War II.

Community leaders, and ultimately voters, saw the need to supplement local groundwater with water imported by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).  At that time, MWD delivered Colorado River water into the Southern California region for about 10 years through its Colorado River Aqueduct.

Since then, MWD also received water from the California State Water Project in 1972. Foothill officially joined Metropolitan in 1953 and today is one its 26 member agencies.  Director Richard Atwater represents FMWD on the MWD Board of Directors.

You can help conserve water

We hope that you will be able to assist us in our efforts to conserve water and ensure adequate supply for all of our residents.